Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Emmy-winning reporter will receive national exposure in "Matched in Manhattan," a reality series. She's there mainly to support her husband, Matt Titus, as he offers dating advice. The show debuts at 9:30 p.m. Friday on Lifetime.
Why isn't there more of Fadal in the show?
"I still work at WCBS. That's my job," Fadal says. But she also works along with Titus in Matt's Little Black Book, a matchmaking agency in New York.
"His contribution is being a matchmaker. That's what the show is about, mostly him," Fadal says. "I work alongside him day in and day out. I try to help him find the best person for the client."
But there will be more of Fadal as the seven-episode series continues. "He comes home and deals with his marriage," Fadal says.
Fadal and Titus married in October, a week before filming started.
"We've been together almost four years," Fadal says. "I met him at a spa he owned in Philadelphia. He approached me and asked me out. He told me, 'You clean up really good.' I thought, 'How insulting for a woman.' At first I wasn't going to have coffee with him."
His persistence made the difference. Get this: He walked her to a date with another man -- just to have a chance to talk with her.
"I thought, 'What was the matter with him?' " Fadal says.
But she agreed to a date during the walk. They've been together almost four years.
"I love his confidence," Fadal says. "I moved around the country a lot. I never felt like I needed someone in my life to lean on. He lets me lean on him. But he never tries to change my independence. He embraces it. He's proud of it. It's hard to find."
Fadal worked at WFTV from 1997 through October 2001. She went on to the CBS-owned station in Philadelphia. She jumped to WCBS, the CBS-owned station in New York, in 2004. She reports in the early morning and serves as a fill-in anchor on the weekends.
Fadal and her husband have written a book for McGraw-Hill that will be out Feb. 1. "Why Hasn't He Called?" explains what attracts men, or as the subtitle puts it, "How Guys Really Think and How to Get the Right One Interested in You."
What's the biggest mistake people make on a first date?
"The biggest mistake women make is probably saying too much and acting desperate," Fadal says. "Wanting to know 'where is this going?' before dessert. Careerwomen want to make sure they're not wasting time. Men are in the moment. Women are: 'Are we going to have a second, third or fourth date?' "
Then what's the biggest mistake men make?
"They don't realize what women are thinking about," Fadal says. "Men are emotionally unavailable sometimes. They're thinking about their career."